Homemade Toothpaste/Pasta de dinti

It’s not easy to find the best toothpaste, especially when you have sensitive teeth…My toothpaste ‘adventure’ started one year and half ago, when I discovered on the list of the ingredients of my toothpaste (special for sensitive teeth) Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
I really wish I had discovered earlier how dangerous this ingredient can be. Apart from making products bubble and foam, and being very cheap (good reasons why cosmetic companies use it in almost everything ), SLS is a danger of which we all should be aware. With Sodium Laureth Sulphate (or SLES for short) dioxins are created – and they are some of the most potentially dangerous carcinogens. SLS is highly corrosive, it has been also linked to cataracts in adults. Another effect SLS can cause on the body is iritating and drying the skin. SLS causes organic toxicity because it penetrates through the skin where it enters the blood without undergoing any breakdown or filtering. Other risks associated with the substance are disruption of the endocrine system, which can lead to hormonal changes. It can also cause reproductive and developmental toxicity in expecting mothers.

And just because a product is labeled organic does not mean that it does not contain harmful substances. That’s why making your own toothpaste is sometimes the best option because you can decide which ingredients to use and which suit you the best.

Homemade toothpasteMy very first toothpaste was an interesting experiment. Made of calcium carbonate, clay, orris root, glicerin, some essential oils, water etc this liquid toothpaste wasn’t making my sensitive teeth feeling well. So I tried a new recipe, based on this one, but I reduced the clay quantity by 50%. Even though the clay was too corosive for my teeth. Then I decided to make my toothpaste without clay, which was not bad, but because of its water consistance, it got dry after 2 weeks of use. So, I decided, to drop the water  and to make a solid toothpaste. Yes, I know, it seems strange, but this version worked better for me. So, the ingredients I kept in my recipe were: calcium carbonate( which can also very well be used alone) and orris root, a soothing aromatic herb. The powered orris root, used for skin, body and teeth care, emits a very fine and pleasant fragrance and it’s more known for its perfumes fixative qualities. The third ingredient is the licorice( liquorice).  Licorice root is one of the most frequently used herbs on the planet today and it has been used for centuries to sweeten drinks, due to its pleasing, sweet taste. It is also used as natural toothbrush, being said to naturally brighten teeth and freshen breath safely.Dentifrice fait maison

The recipe( for 50 gr):
calcium carbonate 40gr
orris root 3 gr
licorice( liquorice) 7 gr

You can add some lemon essential oil drops on your toothbrush for an extra plus.

I have been using it for several months and I really enjoy it: it works great, it’s gets teeth clean and … it’s safe!

[ Nu e deloc usor sa gasesti o pasta buna de dinti, mai ales atunci cand ai dintii sensibili.   Aventura mea legata de pasta de dinti a inceput acum un an si jumate, atunci cand  am descoperit pe lista de ingrediente a pastei mele de dinti ( speciala pentru dintii sensibili) Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Mi-as fi dorit sa fi descoperit mai devreme cat de periculos poate fi acest acest ingredient. In afara de faptul ca face multa spuma, si e ieftin ( un evident motiv pentru care companiile de cosmetica apeleaza atat de des la el), SLS este un pericol despre care cu totii ar trebui sa fim constienti. Cu Sodium Laureth Sulfate (sau pe scurt SLES) se creaza dioxinele- considerate a fi cele mai periculoase cancerigene. SLS este foarte coroziv, fiind deasemenea asociat cu cataractele la adulti. Un alt efect pe care SLS il poate provoca corpului uman sunt iritatiile si deshidratarea pielii. SLS cauzeaza toxicitatea organica din cauza ca patrunde prin piele in sange fara a suferi nicio modificare sau degradare. Alte riscuri asociate cu aceasta substanta sunt perturbarile sistemului endocrin ce pot genera schimbari hormonale . Pot avea, deasemenea, efect toxic asupra sistemului reproductiv si de dezvoltare al viitoarelor mame.

Si doar pentru ca un produs este marcat ca si fiind organic nu inseamna ca nu contine substante nocive. Tocmai de aceea fabricandu-ti propria pasta de dinti poate fi uneori cea mai buna solutie, avand astfel posibilitatea de a alege ce produse sa folosesti si mai ales, ce ingrediente sunt cele mai potrivite pentru tine.

Prima mea pasta de dinti a fost un experiment interesant. Facuta din carbonat de calciu, argila, radacina de iris florentina( stangenel), glicerina, cateva uleiuri esentiale, apa, etc, aceasta pasta de dinti lichida a fost prea puternica pentru dintii mei sensibili. Asa ca am decis sa incerc o noua reteta, bazata de cea dintai, doar ca am redus cantitatea de argila la jumatate, dar chiar si asa, argila parea sa fie prea coroziva pentru dintii mei. Atunci m-am hotarat sa fac pasta de dinti fara argila, ceea ce n-a fost rau, doar ca din cauza  consistentei apoase, s-a uscat dupa nici 2 saptamani de folosire, motiv pentru care m-am hotarat sa renunt la apa si sa fac o pasta de dinti solida. Da, stiu, pare ciudat,  dar aceasta varianta a functionat pentru mine, si inca bine. Asa ca, ingredientele ce le-am pastrat pentru aceasta varianta, au fost : carbonatul de calciu (care poate fi foarte bine folosit si singur), si radacina de iris,  o planta cu o aroma relaxanta. Pudra de iris( stangenel), folosita pentru piele, corp si dinti, emite un miros foarte fin si placut, fiind recunoscuta in special pentru calitatile sale parfumate. Cel de-al treilea ingredient a fost lemnul dulce, una dintre cele mai des utilizate ierburi ale planetei, folosita de secole in bauturile dulci, datorita gustului placut si dulce. Este deasemenea folosit ca si o naturala periuta de dinti, conferindu-i-se proprietatea de a da dintilor o stralucire naturala si o respiratie proaspata.

Reteta( pentru 50 gr):
carbonat de calciu 40gr
pudra de iris 3 gr
lemn dulce( liquorice) 7 gr

Se mai poate adauga cateva picaturi de ulei esential de lamaie pe periuta pentru dinti si mai albi!

Folosesc aceasta pasta de dinti de cateva luni deja si sunt incantata : isi face treaba bine, lasand dintii mei curati si mai ales, sanatosi! ]

30 Comments Add yours

  1. Cee says:

    Wow, that is so interesting, thanks for sharing your recipe Natalia. It looks/sounds super refreshing! I must try this!~

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thanks Cee! I bet you also have a nice recipe to share 🙂

  2. danaiana says:

    Foarte interesant,s-ar putea sa incerc!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Este o reteta foarte usoara si poti modifica cantitatea de pudre de lemn dulce si de iris florentin dupa plac( eu le pun ‘la ochi’).

      1. danaiana says:

        Mulţumesc, o să încerc după ce-mi procur ingredientele.
        O seară plăcută!

  3. lavare says:

    Interesant! Dar ce este radacina de orris?

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Este pudra de Iris florentin si o poti gasi aici( http://www.elemental.eu/ro/632-pudra-de-iris.html). Eu pun mai mult la ochi ingredientele, deci poti modifica cantitatea acestei pudre dupa plac.

      1. lavare says:

        Multumesc,o sa o incerc!

  4. Marika says:

    This is a very nice recipe. I would like to try it, but it is so difficult to get the ingredients from Finland. I just have to order them from abroad.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Marika, I also don’t find everything here, but you can buy online the ingredients you need from http://www.aroma-zone.com/aroma/accueil_fra.asp. You will love this shop( besides they offer free delivery if you buy for at least 60EUR).

      1. Marika says:

        Thanks, that is good to know.

      2. Anca says:

        But the free delivery is only in France or all over Europe?

      3. mijnzeep1 says:

        All over the Europe, from what I read on their site. But you can also find these ingredients on Elemental.ro.

      4. Anca says:

        That’s great!!! Did you already order products from this shop?If yes, are you happy with what you bought? And how long it takes to receive the order?
        Thanks 🙂

      5. mijnzeep1 says:

        Yes, this is my favorite shop. I have already bought from other shops from UK, but Aroma Zone remains my favorite one. For the delivery, it depends: I would say 4-5 days( during the holidays it could take longer).

    2. Anca says:

      Perfect! Thank you sooo much 🙂 I think I’ve found my happiness!! I’m living in Sweden and since a while I was trying to find a good online shop with valuable products. I took a look on their web page and it looks just the one I was searching for.
      Have a good weekend!

  5. DivaSoap says:

    Interesting,Nat! I’m so used to standard, commercial tooth paste and I use it a lot, but would be willing to try handmade one. Did you add some mint e.o? I couldn’t imagine brushing my teeth without this perfect scent leaving behind!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Maja, I use some mint e.o. drops from time to time, I add it on my toothbrash. But the perfume given by orris root powder and licorice powder is also very interesting.

  6. Gordana says:

    Nat, you really inspired me to start thinking of producing my own toothpaste! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe and experience! The pictures of toothpaste are also gorgeous!

  7. What a great idea to make your own toothpaste. Your recipe sounds very interesting and it’s always nice to know exactly what goes into the products you use.

  8. Jenny says:

    Very interesting! I’ve never tried homemade toothpaste before. Thanks for sharing your recipe, Natalia!

  9. dan says:

    frumos, sa nu uitati tehnica corecta de periere pt ca valoreaza 96 % , 4 % conteaza pasta, bineinteles bucurie ca faceti o pasta naturala, dar mare atentie la prioritate pentru a pastra o igiena buna.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Dan, poate ne dai un sfat la capitolul tehnica, pentru a fi siguri ca faceti ca la carte. Multumesc!

      1. dan says:

        aveti aici un clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFbJG7d1DVU , periuta recomand de la sensodyne / parodontax doar SOFT si cine iși permite periuta electrica de la oral-b , sper sa nu fie reclama, sunt student la stomatologie si le folosesc pe acestea. Bucurie sa aveti.

      2. mijnzeep1 says:

        Multumesc Dan!

  10. aliona says:

    vreau sa zic ca de ceva timp nu am mai intrat pe situl asta,dar gasesc multe lucruri noi si interesante.succes

  11. Thank you for this recipe! I’ve been wanting to make my own toothpaste but I thought it wasn’t possible for sensible teeth. I’m gonna find out what orris root is and make some. Thanks again! Marieke

  12. coco says:

    chiar interesant , multumim !

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